Day-off !!!!!

Long time!!! Hows life? I've been really really busy these days... No time to post something here. But tomorrow is a holiday so I'm taking my time to write something...
Mmm... Many things happened these two months... Friends' birthday party, reconciliation @ malino, accounting competition, and CHESS...
Birthday on January were Meto's, Caro's, and Carina's. On february were Erina's and Meme's... Nice parties... (y) (y)
The most unforgettable one is CHESS. CHESS is english competition held by our school.. This year's CHESS was held from February 24th - 27th... Our CHESS theme was L.O.V.E. , stands for Leading On Various Expression... I was in the committee so I was busy.. But I really enjoyed it.. I was so glad that I could take part in it.. That was the first and the last time I was involved in school's activity.. Thanks to my games' coordinator who chose me to be one of his members.. =DD

I'll be busy again this March and April.. I'll be facing final school exam and final national exam..
Wish me luck, guys, on my exams...
See you soon and GB =D
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